Friday, September 20, 2024

Maybe time to go back to shore



  1. You got the bait and the bobber, why?

  2. Those look like Nurse sharks. Usually known to take a one time bite, more commonly to nudge with their snout. They don't get too aggressive.
    The issue here is if by a nudge the guy ends up in the water. He just might get a bite. Probably not. It's up to if he loses his cool.

    1. Don't think they're nurses - look at the relationship of the dorsal and pectoral fins. The dorsal looks to be over where the back of the two pectorals join the body. On nurses the dorsal is much farther back. The shallow water sharks with the dorsal that far forward are bull sharks. At least that's the way with ours around here - Florida through the keys. If this isn't the SE US, I have no idea.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well, shucks. I thought SiG is correct. Then I went looking. Apparently they are dusky sharks.

  3. Nice kayak. Be nicer if it had a rudder.
    What's that in his right hand?

  4. Just really large Koi.
