Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Looking a little rough there, Ernest.



  1. The Old Man just came back from a very long fishing trip.

  2. to have lived the life that he did must have been extraordinary. i can appreciate the fact that when you get old and all you have left are memories and it's not fun anymore. t's time to move along.
    He and Hunter Thompson understood that. I understand that.
    “No More Games. No More bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun --for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax -- This won’t hurt.”

    1. It landed a little differently with his kid though - who was left to make the discovery. Nice picture to carry around in your head.

    2. I'm 68 but my brains aren't trashed out like Ernest's were when he reached for the shotgun. He was a few weeks shy of his 62nd birthday. He was incapable of typing a sentence of lucid thought. John Kennedy invited him to write a piece and recite it personally at his January 1961 inauguration but settled for poet Robert Frost when informed Hemingway was impaired. A fascinating dude. Made some incredible bone-headed mistakes and probably his biggest regret was leaving his first wife Hadley. Dozens of mistakes were those nasty electro-shock treatments. The shotgun finished the procedure.

  3. He was a raging alcoholic for God’s sake, had been drinking heavily since the 1920s and was in the 4th to 5th stage of the disease…
    Wet brain…
