Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A couple of jokers at the door



  1. Hell, I'd let them in before I'd let Karmala, Obummer or Bidet in.

  2. This might qualify, under the title above:

  3. The New World Oder cocktail.... Vodka & Soju


  4. I bet you ol' Vladdy would have some hair raising KGB stories to tell once he had a bottle or three of wodka in him.

  5. That has to be Trump's apartment. Give it a few minutes and you will get Xi, Erdogan and every other American enemy will be there for the party.

    Wonder why American allies never show up for Donnie's parties, only enemies are there? Is it possible that the old Cheeto is just one more enemy of the American experiment?
    “Tell me who you walk with, and I will tell you who you are”

    1. Look at this fuckin clown....

    2. Or maybe the folks you think are enemies aren’t enemies at all?? Go take a couple more swigs of Kool-aid… And for the record I’m certainly not defending or backing Trump in anyway…

    3. Remind me again what has Russia, North Korea and China done for the US?
      Last time I checked both Russia and North Korea held American citizens hostage. NK returned the last guy as a vegetable and he died a few days after getting back to the US.
      How many American hostages are held in Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Australia ?

      Vote Trump, vote Harris, vote whoever you want. Don't vote is you don't feel like doing it. I don't give a shit. But don't fool yourself into believing that Russia, North Korea and China are our friends. They are not.
      Our friends work with us to protect us. Like Germany did a few months ago to help free Americans from Russia. Our friends don't point their guns at us.

    4. You seriously need to back off the Kool-aid…

  6. End of the world party.

  7. Headed over to Xi's for Thursday Night Prime football...

  8. Those two communist turds are 2/3 of the "Axis of Evil."

    1. Yes! And Trump "loves" them both.

    2. Show me on the doll where you let Biden sniff you.

    3. Annie - Trump does not love them both. He follows the adage - "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." If your enemy thinks that you "like" him, he will leave you alone. Trump may be a "mean man" but he knows how to run a country and how to un-f*ck what the libtards have wrought on us.

  9. Hans Brix's apartment.
