Monday, August 5, 2024

The original if much less successful Elon



  1. Ford, GM and Chrysler killed the Tucker, along with a little mismanagement.

    1. Exactly, bunch of self-important bums who didn’t appreciate that competition forces the market to get better and wanted the entire market to their greedy selves. The movie was well done, Jeff Bridges played Tucker well.

  2. I've always like the pivoting center headlight idea. Pity it never caught on.

  3. There have been over 1000 mainstream US automakers since about 1900. 3 survive. 4 is you count Chrysler which may not be surviving.

    Henry Ford, Billy Durant (GM), Walter Chrysler and Elon Musk were the founders and exercised pretty much total control of a vision of how cars should be.

  4. I am pretty sure that "Holly-wierd" made a movie about Tucker. One of the Bridges boys starred in it.

  5. Somewhere I have Cunningham's book that lists 2,500 American car manufacturers. (and 300-350 motorcycle

  6. Given Elon's behavior and decisions in the last few years seems like it is a matter of time before the ends like Tucker. Broke and forgotten.

    The Twitter acquisition is a nice way to lose $50 Billion. He overpaid for Twitter, tried to weasel his way out of it and as soon as he took over he destroyed the value that was there. Twitter today is worth a LOT less than what he paid for it.

    Tesla is loosing money left and right and is drowning in unsold inventory. In the last 3 years Tesla's stock has lost 30% of its value while EV's sales have grown 60% globally.
    Cybertruck launch has been a disaster. Over priced, poor fit and finish and now people are realizing that they are impossible to repair if you crash them. Resale value for Cybertrucks has tanked. At first people were willing to pay over MSRP to get their hands on these. Very quickly the price has dropped as people realize that they are a bad product.
    The Boring Company promised to build fast, reliable transportation systems. To date the have built a couple tunnels connecting the Las Vegas convention center.

    1. Now tell us more about your achievements. I like having Elon around, and think he's a pretty great addition to society. He reminds me of Howard Hughes: I wasn't around for his early days, when he was a maverick in many disciplines, but termed 'crazy' by the establishment. But he was a practical visionary, too. I was just around for his later years, when he really was crazy, living alone as a recluse in the penthouse of a Las Vegas hotel. I wish a better sunset, for Elon.

    2. @Anon 2:55 so you'd rather have Twatter deciding what everyone on the planet is able to say and read while doing NOTHING about pedophile and human trafficking on its site? Yah, good luck with that.

      Now that a court has ruled that Google is a Monopoly for deciding who gets ad revenue and who doesn't, X will eventually rebuild its value. It is poised to do so now that Musk has stripped X of all of the dead wood.

      Oh, you might try signing your statements or are you scared of being identified as a shallow thinker?


    3. 8:07AM Let me rephrase what you posted. Conspiracy theories, lies, lies, fallacy, prediction of the future based on hopes, dreams and a poor understanding of the Google case....

      Now, back to the real world. Google has been deemed a monopoly in the search engine business and that is a good thing. Twitter will not regain any value because of this. Twitter is not a search engine. At the same time Twitter was always tiny in terms of subscriptions and traffic (eyeballs). It has outsized influence in news/politics because politicians and journalists were in the network. It is an echo chamber.

      Since Musk acquired Twitter traffic has plummeted. Undesirable content has skyrocketed (racist, misogynistic, white supremacist, even tortured animals). No brand will ever spend $ to place their adds next to this type of content in front of a tiny audience...

      In the real world twitter is irrelevant and NOT a search engine.

    4. ..."Since Musk acquired Twitter traffic has plummeted. " Nope - not even close. And I'm not even a Twitter user. Nice try - wanna-bot.

  7. they were cool cars and way ahead of the others in innovation.

  8. One big difference - Tucker started with no money, Musk started off with billions. Give Elon credit for sticking to his vision, and especially for building the supercharger network. Tucker might have endured if his financial mis-dealings hadn't caught up with him. But even Kaiser-Frasier, a much better-funded postwar effort by real industrial power players, couldn't last against the big three.
