Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Nice Combo



  1. Is that an older S&W Model 15? Had one years ago and it really resembles it. Nice shooting gun!

    1. with my old colt mk 3. 2" .357 i can put 6 rounds in a pie plate at 25 yds in 5 sec.. it's all about practice. get out and burn some.

  2. had one, the sheriff's department was complicit in a Sunday-Monday six house break-in and lost it.

  3. The snub nose revolvers are bad news as far as I'm concerned; way too much recoil and useful only in very close quarter fights. YMMV.

    1. That's why they are called "Belly Guns"

    2. You are correct. However, if it's not looking to be a close quarter fight better withdraw as fast as you can. You won't notice the recoil of the little snubby at bad breath range (or so I have been told).

    3. Most gun fights are within 3 to 7 yards, most are closer. This gun is fine for that fight.

    4. Lack of accuracy and nasty recoil is almost always due to poor grips/stocks choice on those little snubbies. You will be amazed at how much better it can get with some experimentation in shape and size and material.
      You shouldn't need grips that extend below the frame for your little finger. Two gripping fingers should be adequate. I'm talking about concealable grips, not jumbo target stuff.
      A smooth face trigger like this one has can help.
      Generally, for accuracy, you are fighting two problems:
      The gun squirms around while pulling the trigger,
      and the gun moves in your hand during recoil.
      You need to practice at a much longer range than most snubbie owners do, to determine what helps fix the two problems.
      When you get it right, you can easily burn through 50-100 rounds without beating up your hands from recoil.
      You won't believe the real world accuracy numbers that are obtainable, so I'm not going to confuse the issue. Find out for yourself as you work on fitting grips.

    5. Forgot to mention that all self-defense shots should be double-action only. Do not practice with single action, as that is nearly useless for the real world, and often leads to accidents and legal issues/claims. Consider getting the hammer bobbed to lessen the attraction of trying to utilize it single action. Prosecutors love to charge shooters with an accidental discharge wounding or killing if you have the typical single action thumb-cocking setup. Might consider having your gun changed to DAO (trigger cocking only)

    6. Spot on. Rookies would be better served with a K frame IMHO.

  4. Spyderco knife, for all you gun x-spurts.

  5. I love Spyderco knives.

  6. Fixed sights, can’t be a model 15. 5 round cylinder, probably a model 36.

    1. Yup. Carried one in my left front pants pocket as a back-up piece when I was an Investigator for a Sheriff's Department and DA's Office in SoCal. Recoil was substantial but it was ignored when you were fighting for your life.

  7. I believe I have that revolver. Snappy, it is. Safe queen now. Bought Rock Islands version. 6 rounds. Not a great investment but really fun to shoot with premium gun grips oversize grips.

  8. We own the stainless equivalent of that revolver, a Model 60 Chief's Special Stainless. Before I fired it I was skeptical of its round butt, but I found it to be a fantastic little gun to shoot, even for a guy with big hands like me. And being a .38 Special, the recoil is no big deal. Personally, I think it's a completely comfortable gun to shoot and it's very accurate even at 25 yards. I'm sure glad my bride wanted it. (It's actually her gun.)

  9. Can't tell if it's 5 or 6 round.
    If 5 rd I'd say a Model 36.
    6 rd I'd guess a Model 10.
    Both excellent CC choices and more accurate at longer distances than you'd imagine.

  10. Love the 36. Takes practice to get off that first shot DA, but it's reliable and concealable.

  11. Model 60 in stainless here. Man that thing barks like a dragon when you set it off!

  12. Is that Bianchi gun leather? They make great stuff.
