Friday, June 7, 2024

A newer picture of the SpaceX crew celebrating.



  1. I’m offended by the lack of diversity in this pic… but on second thought it might explain their success…🤔

    1. Awww that is cute! You think that because you share a skin tone with someone you perceive as "smart" somehow that makes you smart! I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't work like that. You are still just a dumb racist...

      On a side note many of the boomers in this page need to get glasses or better displays. Seems like many of you are still using your 1993 computers.
      50-60% of that picture are Asian, Indian, Pakistani. Not to mention the % of women in the picture.

      It never ceases to amaze me how white supremacists like to highlight the worst examples of other races while attempting to highlight the best examples of their own perceived group...
      Should we mention that the VAST majority of mass shooters are white? How about DUIs... do we mention that most DUIs are from white male drivers?
      Finally... my favourite... White people are faaaaaaar more likely to be part of a cult (political or religious). 62% of cult members are white, 12% are black and 15% are latinos... In other words... white people are far more likely to believe that the earth is flat, martians built the pyramids, men never got the moon and that the last election was stolen...

      To quote a stable genius: "Very fine people"

  2. I was at my girlfriends house and she still likes to put on the local and national news.

    If, like me, you don't watch the TV news then occasionally it can be an eyeopener to check it out. Biden (one second in length clips only) at the D-Day ceremony was Presidential and dignified. The report from the Trump rally was not on it's size or energy but only mentioned the number of cases of heat stroke.
    What was completely missing? Only the most important and historic event of the day, Starship successfully completing it's fourth flight. I'd have thought the the news would have lead with the dramatic and thrilling video of the magnificent takeoff. But, NO, not a frame or a word.

    This is what they want the citizens to see, or conversely not see.

    1. The MSM is well versed in manipulations.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Musk supports the constitution, and the 'media' hates him for it, by order of the democrats who HATE the constitution.
      So, SpaceX successes will be, if there is room after a gazillion articles about Alphabet heroes, may be, if we're lucky, on the very last page between advertisements for child traffickers.

    4. Can someone remind me which convicted felon called for "suspending" the constitution?

    5. Was it your momma?

    6. Who has been ignoring or circumventing it like it was a bunch of malarkey.
      No joke.

  3. Here's the Starliner team pic. Allegedly.

    1. If Barack Obama had a (bunch of) son(s).

    2. Lemme know when the clean up begins.
      I'll bring my street sweeper.

  4. There seem to be more women and Asian spies in this pic.
