Friday, May 17, 2024

Gods of the Battlefield



  1. Direction finding + artillery = dead drone operator.

  2. Infantry is the queen of battle. Artillery is the king.

    1. ^That.

      If there are gods of the battle, it's anybody with a joystick and optic tied into a coded laser designator, so that when the crosshair is moved it tells Mr. Artillery Shell (and Mr. Laser Guided Bomb, etc.) where, exactly, to go all explodey.

    2. British infantry refer to the Royal Artillery as fall shorts, for good reason.

    3. Because the King puts the balls where the Queen wants them.

  3. The ukronazi's have attached belt feds now to their baby yaga drones. Russians are close to implementing effective anti-drone tech. It may be a portable EM pulse system from the little out there on it. But regardless the balance switches back and forth as usual and things will be found to counter drone war.
    I would think it not to difficult to develop home on signal anti-drone drones. They have to have a digital signal for all the video data back to an operators controller, lot of bandwidth which can be a perfect target. I would think so but i'm not technicaly savvy on that tech, just seems common sense thing to do.

  4. And the US Marine Corps has divested itself, very unwisely, of the majority of it. From 16 batteries to 6. Tragic.

    1. No tanks either, from what I've heard. Both are criminally stupid. They've been trying to kill off the USMC for a long time now and if it hits the fan, they'll finally get that accomplished in a very literal fashion.

    2. Somebody at HQMC has a suicide wish.

    3. The computer-playing, non-combat ... most recent Commandant of the Marine Corps shitcanned tanks, towed arty and almost all of our fast-mover Close Air Support. Why? Because his noncombat game-playing advisors felt that placing a small contingent of Marines on remote Pacific islands with a few guided missiles would be the proper thing to do for our future wars with China.

      Luckily that idiot is gone but the irreparable damage might hearken the end of our beloved United Stated Marine Corps since those idiotic changes will make it insignificant and redundant to the Army.

  5. Note that an autonomous drone doesn't need to send signals just receive a few to set the GPS location of the kill zone. Set, forget and skedaddle. Can be sourced for under $1500 to fly 10 miles with 10lbs. Fits in a 2' x 2' x 1' box.


    1. Auto ones Russians use are the bane of the NATO proxies the Ukrainian military, with AI search and destroy, plus laser designator option and the Russian's gps, the olanform X wing config makes them invisible to NATO AD. And they have laser triggers on the warhead, a very effective forged projectile, defeats all armor. Very effective and so far no counter-measures.

    2. Which is why the Russians (and, to a much lesser degree, the Ukrainians) have GPS jammers and spoofers everywhere interesting along and behind the front. Which is why they also have signal seeking missiles. The electronic warfare games go on and on, like a real-life version of Spy-vs-Spy.

    3. This technological superiority of course explains why after two years and losing half their original ground combat strength, the Russians still haven't accomplished anything but a lot of dead soldiers on both sides.

      We haven't seen a war this indecisive since the Somme.
      And the casualty figures for both contests a century apart are starting to look eerily similar.
