Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Be Ready!



  1. Milk jugs are way cheaper.


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  2. $320!?! They're made out of plastic not Gold!

    1. That's for 12 of them, or, roughly $27 each.
      Still, that's a lot of coin.

  3. I went the other route. I have the runoff creek of a 4 acre pond as my property line. That creek feeds into a 22 acre pond. The first pond backs up to my neighbor's property. The second pond is 50' from the back corner of my property. I have prepped by moving to where the food is produced.

    1. Sure wish we had a pond. Cost about $15k when we moved here 18 years ago. Now, it's at least double that - and, it wouldn't be useable for a few years.

  4. I bought several 7 gal Reliance Aqua-Tainer jugs years ago. They're a bit cheaper than these and hold up very well if you don't stack 'em too high. They are currently filled and sitting in my garage.

  5. just ordered a Berkey filter.

  6. Much less expensive 5 gallon stacking hedpack containers, useful for all liquids:

  7. Storing water is a risk. That is, mold and mildew can grow in the containers. Even with treated city water.

    We had a medium sized in-ground swimming when we lived in Bucks County, PA. We had several years where the power went off for up to two weeks. When the power was off, the water pump from the well did not work. Even with a good-sized portable generator. We used the pool water for washing our bodies and cleaning dishes and pots n pans.

    When I knew that we were headed for power outages, I'd fill the bathtub so we had some drinking and cooking water available.

    1. Put 1 tablespoon of UNSCENTED Clorox in each 5 gallon container AFTER you have installed the water. If you put the Clorox in BEFORE the water it will foam up and that's not good.

      Our pool water is cleaner than the municipal water that comes out of the faucet.

    2. About the only thing I remember from High School Chemistry is the Teacher intoning "ALWAYS ADD ACID" to Water

  8. $322 for 60gal.....trying to rip off your readers again.

  9. A berkey water filter and and a 1 acre pond. Food storage and drinking water.
