Saturday, February 24, 2024

The entrance to my dream ranch.



  1. Mine has a conex box on railroad bogies blocking the front gate, filled with 40 tons of concrete, outside of which is a welcome mat that says "Come Back With A Warrant", spanning the only gap in a continuous 25' tall berm with an anti-tank ditch at the base on the outside edge.

    And the property on the approaches may or may not have randomly scattered stuffed dogs filled with tannerite and steel ball bearings.

    "Who's a good doggie?!"

    Smile. Wait for WOOF!

  2. Is that the outhouse because the house is still twenty miles away and you know your wife can't hold it that long?

    1. I think that the little hut is probably a place for the delivery man to leave packages.

    2. That was my second thought; my first was "can I hold it that long on horseback?"

    3. A place out of the weather for the kids to wait for the bus.

  3. I like a driveway long enough to get a good bead on visitors.

  4. Aw, I bet you guys are a lotta fun at parties I don't get invited to.

  5. My dad visited Red River New Mexico circa 1948, the cabins they stayed at had a box like that at the gate, in held a slot machine.
