Friday, June 30, 2023

Ha. I'd buy some awful coffee just to see how awful it was



  1. That place has everything I like, coffee, chili & spagetti.

    1. Jack runs the whole place and wears a filthy sleeveless undershirt, a white apron that hasn't been washed in weeks, hovers over that 600 degree flat iron grill flippin hand pounded burgers with a filterless smoke in the corner of his mowf with a 2" ash on the end, greasy assed hair hasn't seen water in a week or 2. But he makes a dam tasty burger.

    2. Sounds like the kind of place that deserves my business!!

  2. Almost as good as the old "Worms & Coffee" store near Southport, NC. Torn down for a shopping center around 7-8 years ago.

  3. You can keep the greasy coffee, but save me a corner table with an order of beef tamales. The corner so no one sneaks over my shoulder and absconds with tamales.

  4. A friend asked me one, "If you drove past a restaurant called "Greasy Sam's Shit Pit" wouldn't you have to go and try it, just so you could say that you did? Answer: absolutely!

  5. Just goes to prove negative advertizing can create positive profits. And, of course there's the counter to that. It's called a well cheese stocked mouse trap.

  6. It couldn't be as awful as their spelling...

  7. There used to be a small diner near me, it had ugly green siding, the roof was bowed and the ventilation fans were 90% rust. They served the best breakfast around. People would wait in line.
