Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Now that's a door!


  1. gothic doorway to a dungeon/wine cellar reminds me of the looming democrat convention(which should be held to a COD basis by those supplying it) and the hildabeast hiding behind one of the curtains waiting for the call to save the party(she is hearing the voices in her head again). hiding a little to the side behind another curtain is the Moochelle with a stiletto in her(?) hand to give the hildabeast a sicilian necktie incase she tries to answer the call. because everyone knows it's Moochelle's turn.

  2. Not just the door but it's location...It's an early motel with adjoining rooms!

  3. Looks fitting for a LotR story

  4. The door is nice, but the 6-foot thick solid stone walls contribute something to it also.

    - Aesop

  5. That is a "wall hanging" of decorative art. The "door" is on the far side of the jamb.

  6. Mike,
    not a wall hanging. That is a two stage security doorway. Both doors have the hingepins covered by the door, and the doors overhang the doorframe stonework, meaning the outer one must be chopped out to access the inner door. The odd thing is that it is a duplicate setup, since there isn't enough distance between them to set up the inner door to swing the same direction. I wonder if both doors have sliding bars on both sides?
