Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Daniel Greenfield calls it

As you watch this impeachment farce play out, know that...

"...Impeachment is not just meant to be a trial of President Trump, but of the voters who chose him. Its outcome, whatever the composition of the Senate, is meant to be an argument for remaking the system of elections, whether by abolishing the Electoral College or tampering with the judiciary, that would take the power further out of the hands of the voters and concentrate them with the right sorts of people. The right sorts of people usually being wealthy and influential lefties in California and New York...
... Impeaching Trump isn't about him. It's a Rorschach test that reveals the ugly inkblot of the leftist soul. Its real purpose is for an ugly totalitarian movement to live out its fantasy of casting aside the vestiges of democracy, divesting itself of the illusions of representative government and holding a show trial.
Leftists speak less about equality these days than about justice. This is the justice they have in mind.
Their vision of utopia isn't equality or progress, it's trial after trial, an endless series of proceedings against Trump and you and me, and Bob next door, who votes Democrat, but once used the term "illegal alien" in a conversation. The nightmares of the French Revolution, the Soviet Union, Communist China and Pol Pot's Cambodia weren't accidental misfires: they're the essential truth of what the Left is..."

All the history of the last century shows what the left really is all about.  Venezuela in the last 20 years shows what the left is all about.

They hate Trump, but really they hate and despise you and me...and our rights and freedoms.... our right to control our own destiny... Trump is just standing in their way, so he must be destroyed.


  1. answer this if you can:

    since the 2018 election
    what has the house accomplished
    other than harassing Trump?

    I will go out and mow the golf course while waiting for the answer
    when I come back, if you have no answer
    that is the right answer

  2. Dems are trying to stall the inevitable: Treason and Crimes against Children. all roads lead to Obama.

  3. Imagine what will happen after 2024, no matter WHO wins!

  4. reviewing bret weinstein's missive on groupthink: guns are the answer. preferably belt fed crew served. however, mortars are really good, too. the next election is what counts. thinking past that is not a good idea. it will only frighten the children.

  5. Anyone older than about 50 who went through the public schools before they were completely wussified, knows what a playground bully is and recognizes these behavior sets. And the only thing that stops the misery of the unrelenting harassment and taunting is to show the bully some of his own blood. Because at the end of the day, bullies are just cowards with a little self-motivation.

  6. I am reminded of the sort of person who fakes throwing a ball to get a dog to chase nothing. it's like someone is tormenting the Democrats, and they are too dim to figure it out. get them to cry wolf a dozen times, ruin their chances in 2020.

  7. And you just know that President Trump is loving every minute of it...

    Mister Sunbeam

    1. He's probably got the next three fake crises lined up for the Dems to bite on.

  8. So I have always heard that only about 30% of the colonists wanted to exit from the British rule. And of those only 3% fought in the revolutionary war.
    My read on this is:one of the greatest urges of mankind; is to belong to something, even if it is detrimental to personal freedom. I see the demoncrats as a block of left over Tory sentiment from the old days and they will not be happy until they are subjugated.

