Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Your good news of the day: Ahmed the Muslim clock boy to move to Qatar.

Don't let the door bop you ass on the way out.

Now that the little beeping clock boy has milked his victimhood for every last drop of loot and fame, he and his parents have apparently decided to move to a place more in keeping with his religion.

Probably a good idea as he's burned all his bridges here, and, needless to say, won't be popular back in Texas.  CAIR must be heartbroken.


  1. Good riddance. The little fraud has been exposed for the dupe that he is, and exposed his sister and father for the hateful little ungrateful shites that they are.

    Now if he would only take the idiots who fell for his little stunt with him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope we never hear about him and his family again. Ever.
