Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Go fishing with Dad," they said. "It'll be fun," they said.


  1. Barracudas have NASTY teeth.

    1. I don't think that she will forget anytime soon. I saw a school shred a native in the water once. Not pretty. Reminded me of piraƱa.

  2. That facial expression is going to get him killed. When Moma sees her daughter and then this picture, she will kill him.

  3. When sailed the Bahamas on our sailboat, I loved going out in the dinghy to fish for barracuda. Never was brave enough to bring them onboard without first beating hell out of em with a club !
    They are great fish to battle and taste good too....

  4. When sailed the Bahamas on our sailboat, I loved going out in the dinghy to fish for barracuda. Never was brave enough to bring them onboard without first beating hell out of em with a club !
    They are great fish to battle and taste good too....
