Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Red Planet continues to amaze.

 Pictures by the European Space Agency have revealed a 1500 km long and 7 kilometre wide river that once ran across Mars... The agency’s Mars Express imaged the striking upper part of the remnants of Reull Vallis river on Mars with its high-resolution stereo camera...

This sinuous structure, which stretches for almost 1500 km across the martian landscape, is flanked by numerous tributaries, one of which can be clearly seen cutting in to the main valley towards the upper (north) side.

The new Mars Express images show a region of Reull Vallis at a point where the channel is almost 7 km wide and 300 m deep. The sides of Reull Vallis are particularly sharp and steep, with parallel longitudinal features covering the floor of the channel itself.


  1. Most of the water is still on Mars-contined in ice at the poles down to the 30 degree area. When Mars was geologically active and the core was still hot, there was enough heat moving through the crust to allow for liquid water. But that hasn't been the case for quite some time now. While some of the water off-gassed, most of it is still present on Mars.

    1. As long as there is enough ice for my Scotch.....

    2. No grain there to distill. No beer, no Scotch, no potatoes for vodka, so why go?
