Sunday, September 29, 2013

In Bayern, ist es Zeit für das Oktoberfest

Also warum bin ich in Kalifornien?

 Bier schmeckt besser, wenn das Tragen Ihrer Lederhosen!

 Wie kann man eine so große bier trinken ??

 Alte Jungs wissen Bier!!

 Sluurrrp!  Burp!


  1. As a man of Swiss extraction with roots in Bavaria, I can guarantee you that come Oktoberfest, I have not a drinking problem (drink, fall down, no problem). I have no problem with tall, nordic bar maids. However, I draw the line at wearing lederhosen.

    Even though I speak passable German, you don't need to speak German to enjoy Oktoberfest. After about two tall biers, everyone is speaking Martian.

    1. Or is that Klingon they're speaking? Remember, when sober they were Germans.

    2. It might be Klingon for all I know.

  2. In just six days the wife and I will be in Munich and I will drink enough to translate and report back here!!

    1. Please do. Find out the best beers, then we'll see if we can find any here stateside. Sounds like a great deal for Scratch and Spit, does it not. We may be speaking Klingon to each other the whole time!
