The Dearest Jean


Al Zweizig was a P47 pilot in the European Theatre in WWII. He stayed in the service and flew cargo planes in Korea and Vietnam, retiring with the rank of Major (USAF). His eyesight was destroyed by so much contact with Agent Orange, and he became legally blind by the 1990s. Al passed last summer and is buried near Pittsburg PA. 

There's a funny story about the name of the plane. When that P47 arrived at the field, brand new, a Tech Sergeant came up to Al and asked him what he wanted to name it. Al said he didn't care, name it anything you want. The Sergeant said, "well, is there a girl back home that you're seeing?". Al said he thought the last one he remembered dancing with was called Jean, but he wasn't really sure. And the next day his plane was painted "Dearest Jean".  

Thanks for sending this along, Pete!





Self Explanatory

Wednesday, March 30, 2022



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