Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last shave of May.

I can see the bottom of the tub of The Wow Signal, one of my all time fav's.  Once it's gone, it'll be a fond memory, but I figure I have maybe six or seven shaves left with it.

Meanwhile, the newest aftershave, Northern Elixer, is like a two by four to the face.  Invigorating.

F-117's flying missions of some kind again over SoCal.

The mission was anything but clandestine, with the F-117s in tow behind the tanker cruising directly over central Los Angeles and Long Beach in clear skies before heading out to sea. This is an unprecedented action by the usually very shy and officially retired Nighthawks. On Monday, they took a similar route, but it was above the cloud layer. The down-range activity also occurred a bit further south of where it happened on Monday, in an area commonly used by American carrier strike groups spinning up for deployment. It also looks as if the F-117s spent a bit more time playing with the assets in that area this time around. 

Explaining Minneapolis

And it is exactly what you thought.

Here in Caliapolis ( or should it be Minnefornia?) , it's my understanding that you can blatantly steal up to 950 bucks from a store and it's a parking ticket.

Why do the Progs think in this destructive way no matter where they are?  Is this ideology not far worse than the Wuhan virus?  More importantly, how to we remove their way of thinking from our country and our people?