A Cool Thing

One of the guys at Spicer this weekend had one of these.  A stove that charges your phone and can also cook your chow, just by burning little sticks and pine cones.  It worked great!

Trip to New Spicer Meadows Reservoir

Been out of internet range while attending this years get together of friends and family at New Spicer Meadows Reservoir.

The lake is right up to the top full - wealth for the summer months.  Air clear and fresh.  I slept in the bed of my Dodge on a foam pad and a bunch of blankets.  Probably got into the forties last night, very comfortable sleeping weather.

One guy who works in water management down in that country always reserves a family campground for three or four days in the summer and invites the lucky few to come on by.

This year we had, among others, a county supervisor, an administrative law judge, a professional auto restorer, a family matriarch 80 years young,  a pup, and a huge crowd of delighted kids.  In fact, some of the best kids you'll ever see.  Polite, well behaved and smart.  I loved it.

The central pavilion and grill.

The dam, with the water right at the top.

And spilling out the bottom.

Really nice, and still plenty of snow in the high country.

Some one saw a bear about a half mile from camp the day before I got there, and believe me, during the night my ears were primed to catch him before his hairy paws could get into the food, but he never made an appearance.

The stars were brilliant, as there's naturally no light pollution up there.  Saw several satellites slowly cruise by up high.

Now I'm all the way back in Redding, and ready for a good night's sleep in a bed, and work next week.  Talk about the open road!