Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Famous Scottish Name


  1. That's my #1 single malt. I use to sip it from Fort William around the Highlands and on to Edinburgh. I came very close to this distillery but never (sadly)stopped in. I've been to the Bushmills malt distillery about 3 times and kinda grew fond of their 10 year old product.

    1. I've been enjoying a wee bit of Lagavulin cut with a little cold well water from 270 feet down. Great medicine for unwinding at the end of the day.

      In Stieg Larsson's The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, Lisbeth Salander visits The Rock Hotel on Gibraltar after her acquittal. She asks for a drink of Lagavulin after studying the bottles behind the bar and, after tasting it, pushes it away and requests "something that could not be used to tar a boat".

      Yep, it's that good!

    2. Lagavulin is our favorite as well. Also happens to be the fave of Seal 6, or at least used to be a bit back.

      Laphroig is a bit "mediciny" for my taste, but to each his own.

  2. Tne Promised Land...

  3. Can't pronounce it, drinks just the same.

    Spin Drift

  4. Lotta good stuff in there.
    Almost as good as bourbon..heh.
