Friday, June 22, 2018

Seattle’s cycling community took to social media this week to mourn the death of cyclist S.J. Brooks, who died from a cougar attack near North Bend on Saturday.

Mountain lions got no respect for your virtue signaling.

Brooks, who used the pronoun “they, but whose real pronoun was 'food' ” was at the time riding with Dizzy Izzy Sederbaum, who also suffered injuries but survived, by running faster than S.J. 'Kitty Kibble' Brooks.

When not offering herself - oh 'scuze me, they-self - as an offering to the Wilderness Gods, Brooks was the co-founder of the Seattle chapter of the Friends on Bikes organization, which is dedicated to “fostering a community for women of color who love riding bikes.” According to the Friends on Bikes website, Brooks had been riding bikes since childhood, “crushing down the Shunga Trail” in Kansas.

Brooks was also involved in efforts to make the biking community a more welcoming and safe place for women, trans and nonbinary cyclists of color, as well as a food source for famished cougars.

You really should read the full article the Seattle Times to appreciate the silly, confused and unreal world these folk live in.  It's no wonder that their disconnect with reality led them into danger.  Nature doesn't care how messed up in the head you are.  It's trying to kill you, always. Those that ignore that reality may well meet up with it in an unpleasant manner, as this gal very unfortunately did.

The Munchee, D.J.K.K Brooks.

She looks plump and nourishing.  Love the shirt, but the message is ironic considering.

Meet The Muncher


  1. here in colorado, i can spit across the creek at the Rockies. there be lions in the hill. and bears. and very angry teeth attached to wolverines. and coyotes, and wolves, and all manner of Gods creatures out looking for a lunch that is slower than they are.
    And yet, even with that knowledge, people will go up the hill to bask in the beauty of nature with out a thought at all for their personal safety. they may worry about drinking water or twisting an ankle. but being eaten? no. they don't have a clue. poor dumb bastards.
    bon appitite!

    1. A couple decades ago, I had a passing workplace acquaintance with a gal who was killed and eaten by a mountain lion while trail running in the foothills. As you point out, people just don't think the jungle is as close as it is.

    2. Someone has to live in the festering shitholes they call urban areas. I'm completely happy with their unbridled fear of nature. Stay safe and live in your cities, the forest and wild areas are no place for can get attacked....stay safe. stay home.

  2. I know it’s wrong that I think this is funny. Sorry.

    1. I wondered if the article was from the Onion. I'm still not 100% sure it isn't a spoof.

  3. Sometimes you eat the pussy and sometimes the pussy eats you.

    c w, here's a site that seems legit:

    1. Yeah, it's deep lunatic Seattle, so anything's possible.

  4. I read once about an old-timer who survived a cougar attack. From that day forward, he wore a tall backpack whenever he was in cougar country, as it came from behind and went for his neck.

    1. They're ambush predators. The gal I knew was attacked from behind as well. The cat waited for her to run by, then pounced.

  5. now you can understand my willingness to wear a dragonskin vest with the collar up when in the uplands of CO. also, there be some sinfully stupid people who just do not understand that elk do not shoot back. having the high velocity slug pass within 2ft of me once was enough for me. returned fire with .308. i wonder what that idiot who did not assure his target thought of that. hmmmm?
    but yes ambush predators for true. keep looking up every time the left foot hits the ground and never be in a rush. old patrolling habit. being aware of what is hungry is always a good thing.
