Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Red Hen Owner Stephanie Wilkinson Resigns From Main Street Lexington Board in Wake Of Sarah Sanders Controversy

Just applying the Maxine Waters rule.  Payback can be painful for your virtue signaling rudeness.


  1. I predict that things will get more challenging for Stephanie moving forward. Rudeness is never appreciated outside that circle of freaks and misfits that make up the progressive movement. And it's not the freaks who buy food from her.

  2. they have pulled the link or the sight has crashed.

    I see tough times for all of the people that were employed at the Red Hen. Waffle House is always hiring.

  3. I posted a scathing "but polite" comment at their site before it went belly-up. I spread the word too. I guess us Deplorables turned up the heat and old Lib Stephanie had to get out of the kitchen. In retrospect, I bet little boy David Hogg is gnashing his teeth waiting his turn in the barrel.

  4. Virginians remember the Yankee Carpet Baggers very well, and that's what this transplant represents to them. She is not in good odor right now, it's a small conservative town and she has recast its image completely for them, in a poor light. Reality bites. I would also guess the "Farm" part of the "Farm-to-table" business model might be reconsidering their supply role.

  5. This should bring a smile :)

