Sunday, April 29, 2018

Andromeda Galaxy approaches


  1. I doubt that I'll be around to comment by then. Pity.

  2. Mass is attracted to mass. On the other hand, the two galaxies will
    eventually reach a state of equalibrium. The Moons mass is 1/80th
    that of the Earth. The reason we see only one side of the moon
    is that a state of equalibrium has been achieved. The two bodies
    (or galaxies) cannot get any closer regardless of the disparity of

    Theoretically, there is a point between the Earth and the Moon
    (much closer to the Moon than the Earth) where the gravitational
    forces cancel each other out. This is called a Lagrange Point.
    All orbits are parabolic, yet the mean distance between the
    Earth and the Moon, or the Earth and the Sun remain consistant.

    The latest scientific data suggest that in a tug of war between
    Andromeda and the Milky Way, the Milky Way will win hands down!
    Sorry folks, I was an astonomy and physics geek starting at age
    14. I am going to file this story along with Anthropormorphic
    Global Warming, the Piltdown Man, the Cardiff Giant, alien
    abductions, Area 51 conspiracies and the Loch Ness Monster!

  3. Well, I never made any plans for after the oceans dry up, so that's OK by me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Don't let Al Gore see that. He will get a bunch of idiots to give him money to stop it.
