Monday, December 5, 2016

The bug is totaled.

Or, why I drive a full sized pickup.


  1. I had a Friday like that. Always wanted a Beetle and finally bought one brand new in 1974. Was headed to the mountains to do some fall trout fishing in October of 1976. Driving up a mountain called Keating Summit a huge gust of wind floated the Bug across the road and it ended up flipping over. Next car was a used 1969 Buick LeSabre....................

    1. A very heavy 1969 Buick LeSabre

    2. That thing was like a tank. Never bought a small vehicle again........

  2. Hey, that VW bug is well built! (Compared to a "smart" car. Just sayin'!)

  3. A cop I knew a few years ago recalled that when he took a course in the Medicolegal Investigation of Death (in Florida, I think it was), he noted that ALL the students, each of whom had seen more than their share of the aftermath of violent death, drove large vehicles - mostly large SUV's, pickups, and a few Crown Vics. You can't fight the laws of physics, so put mass to work for you, not against you.
