Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Légion Étrangère


  1. Read the book "The French Foreign Legion", Douglas Porch, Skyhorse Publishing, 2010 Amazing parallels with the Muslims as well as some lesson we should have learned from their experience in Viet Nam. Amazing accounts of the intrigues and abuse by the French Government from 1831 on.

    1. I worked with the 2e REP at Calvi, Corsica while I was a serving officer in the US Navy. I have nothing but good things to say about the Legion. I went through the four week CEFE jungle training and advanced jungle training courses, run by the third regiment. They are the best schools for preparing for combat in the jungle in the world. It was very arduous training but very useful. The instructors are masters of their craft.

    2. They can wear funny clothes and yet still look totally bad ass. Those Frenchies confuse me.

    3. c w swanson--that's the point. They aren't Frenchies...they're foreigners.

  2. The Foreign legion...
    ... doing jobs Frenchmen won't do.

    ... Giving Germans a second chance since 1945.
