Sunday, January 17, 2016

I found this both fascinating and highly perceptive. Not only is this analysis good for categorizing public protests, but it hits the nail on the head about the increasingly dangerous situation in Europe.

Type 3 protests arise under prerevolutionary conditions. They are potentially a genuine threat to the authorities because they are a symptom of the state’s loss of its legitimacy in face of people’s increasingly implacable grievances. Once the perception of legitimacy goes, all it takes is a push.
The short video below is what motivated me to write this post. It shows a small group of young German men aggressively confronting the police over their failure to keep security in Cologne on past New Year’s Eve, but instead amassing at a subsequent nationalist rally. There is a quality in this protest that is normally absent in Type 1 and Type 2 demonstrations, which you will see and hear in this 13-second clip:
The overwhelming emotion in this protest is the rueful hurt of a man who just realized that he has been betrayed by those he trusted, similar to a man who just caught his wife in an act of infidelity. A government that wants to remain in power best take these people’s grievances seriously. Those German protesters are more dangerous to the regime, insofar as them being an indication of serious problems of legitimacy, than a blocks-long street march of confident people with banners.
When you humiliate a man, he remembers it forever. The leaders of Western European countries are doing just that. In an unprovoked act of genocide-scale aggression, these governments and institutions are imposing on their people a fight-or-flight condition with nowhere to flee. People have picked up the scent of malice.
It does not appear that the usurper elites, in their arrogance, had thought this through. They rely on state security forces to suppress a reaction but they don’t seem to have considered a scenario in which policemen remove their helmets and join the protestors like Slovak riot police did last year at an anti-immigration march.


  1. When Germany threw in the towel and signed the armistice that ended The Great War (before they started numbering them), many German soldiers in the trenches felt betrayed and tossed aside by their government. They had given their all, and slogged thru mud and blood and felt they were holding their own, all for naught.

    It was from these ranks a fellow corporal, one of their own, rose to power, and continued the fight. This time they gave the war a number.


    1. I wonder how long before Frau Merkel is swinging from a lamppost?
