Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Some good news from Massachusetts.

WESTMINSTER, Mass. (AP) - Only a handful of people were able to speak on a proposal that could make the tiny Massachusetts town of Westminster the first in the nation to ban all sales of tobacco products when boos and shouts from the crowd shut down the public hearing Wednesday night.
Sixty or more residents in the packed Westminster Elementary school gymnasium were registered to share their opinions. Some among the audience of several hundred toted signs opposing the ban; some had participated in a rally earlier.
But amid shouts of "America!" and "Freedom Now," Board of Health chairwoman Andrea Crete gaveled the hearing to a close just 25 minutes into it instead of taking comments.
"The crowd's getting out of control and the room's filled to capacity," she said. "We don't want any riots."
Crete and the two other board members were escorted out by police, and the crowd dispersed. She said the board would accept written testimony until Dec. 1 and would vote later. She didn't specify a date.  
Ha!  Escorted out by the police!  In Massachusetts no less!

This is actually good. Their nanny government is in fact trying to shove their morality down the throats of everyone in town. A rowdy near riot is in fact the right reaction.  It's too bad a liberal application of tar and feathers didn't go down, but there is always next time.  It might do those nanny tyrant wanna be's  a world of good.

For the first time ever, I'm proud of my fellow citizens there in Massachusetts.  They may be Massholes, but they're American, freedom loving Massholes!  And they're willing to raise a ruckus to prove it.

Freedom Now!  America!


  1. Why yes. We are citizens and not subjects. We settled that a little while ago.

    1. We thought we did, but it takes constant vigilance to keep the tyrants, big time and small, at bay.

  2. I think that the present king considers us subjects...
