Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kill shot

Gallup reports today that the Democratic Party has reached a record low approval, even lower than the lowly Republicans!

As bad as that is, there are several simmering issues that the electorate is well aware of which,  if allowed to spiral out of control by the Democrats, could very easily destroy the party.  Recall the fate of the Whigs, who suddenly disappeared from the political landscape after controlling both houses of congress and the presidency as late as 1840.

The first and most important issue is immigration.  Something like 70% of citizens do not want an amnesty, and especially not an amnesty simply declared by the President.  Yet, President Obama seems hell bent to do just that.

If I were a Democratic politician, I'd be terrified of this.  No average person wants to go apply for a job and find fifty South Americans in line ahead of him, willing to work on that job for less, and off the books.  It's a disaster for employment in an environment where many have simply given up looking for a job.   Further, the mass of illegals will be allowed to suck on the government tit, siphoning a flood of tax dollars away from actual citizens.  Finally, an amnesty by royal decree will open the gates to additional floods of aliens, who have nothing in mind but to get the jobs and tax dollars of otherwise law abiding and tax paying citizens.  After the wave of "children" that the government just finished secretly spreading all over the country, the average Joe is well aware of what is going on, and has no interest in seeing this happen over and over again.  Again, this issue is hot with the electorate right now, and an amnesty simply declared from on high, overtly against the wishes and interest of average citizens, could instantly kill the support that still exists for the Democratic Party.  This is especially so for the most loyal of Democratic voter, the African American.  Why should they continue to vote at a 95% rate for any Democrat if the party rewards this by filling the country with folk that will compete for their jobs and their benefits?  If any significant part of the black vote leaves the Democrats, it would be a political disaster of the first order, yet that is exactly what Obama is almost certainly going to get with his amnesty.

The second issue that the Democrats should fear is the public concern over Ebola.  Inexplicably, the administration has spent the last six months or so doing everything they can not to do even the basics to ensure that the disease stays out of the country.  The voters are well aware of all this, and the level of fear, justified or not, is high among the average citizen that Ebola will get loose inside the country.  For the Dems, Ebola doesn't have to kill thousands, it just has to infect enough people to cause chaos in the health care industry before voters will likely turn their backs on the party and seek to vote for someone who will protect their health and well being.  How many infections would that be?  No one knows, but probably several hundred would be enough to crash the system, and crash the people's trust in the Democrats to protect against even the most obviously dangerous disease.  Should that happen, the people could easily send the party onto the ash heap of history in favor of any other political party that would promise to keep such things away.

A third issue is the Iranian bomb.  Up to now, this issue hasn't been so much on the mind of the average American, but if the religiously insane government of that state successfully gets a nuke, the average man on the street will quickly come to fear that eventually, the Iranians will engineer an attack on the "Great Satan" that will involve a mushroom cloud. Whether that actually happens is irrelevant to the Democrats, because it will be one more fear that the average man must live with that they will blame directly on Obama and his party, especially since they clearly claimed early on they would never let the Iranians get the bomb.  If instead, the mullahs do pop up with a bomb, the electorate will turn against the Democrats for this, and rightly so, as the fundamental job of any political party and president is to protect the nation from foreign threats.  Further, if the Iranians get the bomb during or shortly after Obama's watch, and then nuke anything at all, the Democratic Party's ability to get elected will go up in smoke right along with the mushroom cloud.

Let's leave alone even more potentially politically devastating issues, like the constitutional crisis that an amnesty by executive order might cause, as the first three seem like any one would be fatal to the survival of the Democratic Party.

If I were a Democratic politician in Washington right now, I'd be raising holy hades with the party leadership to make sure none of this could ever happen, and that the electorate knew that it was the Democrats who were stepping forward to protect the people.  I don't see much of that happening right now.

We live in interesting times indeed.


  1. The Republican establishment won't do any thing about immigration. They are totally owned by the Chamber of Commerce and the big dual citizen donors. Ebola would be taken care of, if we had sane border controls.

    The "Iranian nukes" issue is just made up propaganda coming out of Tel Aviv. Expect Adeldson, Saban, and AIPAC to get their way and get more Americans killed in a war with Iran.

    1. You may be right about the Republican establishment, it seems like Boehner would like nothing better than an immigration deal that would make his big business buddies happy.
      It might ultimately be up to the Israelis to deal with the Iranian nuke threat, as Obama certainly won't do anything - heck, he wants a treaty with them so bad he can taste it!

    2. In regard Obama, it takes a lot of effort to be on the wrong side of EVERY SINGLE ISSUE in America. Dumb luck would suggest that he's be right on the order of half of the time.

    3. Not only wrong, but with immigration, purposely way out there wrong. If there is one issue that will break the AA population away from the Democrats, this is it.

  2. It will all be blamed on the Republicans, and the main stream press will dutifully repeat it over and over again. Gruber, like H L Menchen, has already shown how reliable is the "stupidity of the American voter".
