Sunday, September 14, 2014

Badasses from days of yore

Battle-hardened veterans of Montgomery’s Desert Rats stride along a desert track. The British troops who defeated Rommel in North Africa came from virtually every corner of the Empire. Englishmen fought alongside wiry Gurkhas from Nepal and bearded Sikhs from India, as well as Scots, Canadians, Australians, South Africans and New Zealanders.


  1. Brits have always enjoyed a less nuanced approach to these things than the Americans. And as for bad-ass diversity, the New Zealand troops included a battalion of Maori.

  2. They are NOT "Brits" They are F.F.L. The Photo was taken right after the battle of Bar Hakim. Note the one with the face bush is packing a MAS 36. Bar Hakim was one of the epic fights of all time, that is all but forgotten today by everyone but La' Legon. --Ray
