Thursday, July 3, 2014

The smartest woman that ever lived screws up again

We already have had to suffer through having an ignoramus as president, we don't need another four years with an ignoramette.

Just to be clear, the Conservatives and Labour are the two biggest political parties as of now, but let's hope the rise of UKIP changes that.  "The Tories" is just a slang name for the Conservatives.

And Hillary, you know you are nothing more than a political...


  1. She made her political career as the scorned wife of the President...and hasn't done anything else of note.

    1. Yep, not even as Secretary of State - nothing except a series of embarrassing faux pas.

  2. She did manage to "trip and fall", suffering brain damage so that she was unable to comment on Benghazi for 6 months. That's quite an accomplishment.
