Tuesday, October 2, 2012

There is an interesting perspective over at Borepatch on the the current presidential race, comparing it to the victory won by Alexander the Great over Darius and the Persian empire.

Titled "The Last War Chariots," it is well worth the read.

From the article:

"Courage won the day, along with knowledge.  Free men fight harder than slaves.  Freedom is a greater motivator than the promise of gold, or power, or station.  Alexander knew this, and conquered.

We see before us a similarly fearsome host, this October 1st.  It too is vast, assembled of the hangers on of an ancient order, motivated by hope of gold, or power, or station in the existing Old Order.  With us are only those who would have freedom as they've know it, those who do not choose to bow their heads to a self-described "elite" who would use the ancient power of of the hieratic state to keep themselves raised above us.

We're told that the battle is over, before it is well joined.  We're told that the polls are done, complete, unanimous: Alexander is toast.  We're told by a breathless media that an Ambassador dead by Darius' incompetence is not the story, but that Alexander's mean and thoughtless criticism of the Persian State Department's cowardly apology means that the Macedonians are finished.  Finished, you hear?

After all, has not the Main Stream Media carefully leveled the ground of the battlefield, so that the Great King's chariots can reach maximum speed?

We look back from the modern day and wonder how Alexander could possibly have lost.  He alone had realized that the Old Order had passed, and harnessed the New Order.  In the twinkling of the eye he swept the Ancient Kingdoms before him.  Seven years after marching his army out the gates of Pella he stood on the banks of the Indus river, weeping that there were no more worlds to conquer.

A decade hence we will look back on the election of 2012 through that same prism, wondering how anyone once thought that the Old Order with its Media lapdogs could have tried to command the tides of history to ebb.  All of the Old Order's allies are weak, which is why their arguments are so laughably empty.  The idea that people will vote for the Old Order, ignoring their own financial situations (down since Obama assumed office) or their prospects for future prosperity (down since Obama assumed office) or the prospects for their children's prosperity (crushed under a lack of jobs and student debts that cannot be discharged even in bankruptcy) is to laugh.  The fact that we hear this from the Old Order media - best know for their mystified What's The Matter With Kansas? - tells you all you need to know about how the Progressive Order is out of gas.

Ignore the fearsome host arrayed before you, they are the last gasp of the Ancient World.  Their chariots are an anachronism, and their motivation makes them weak.  The host is an illusion, and will break and run."


That is some good writing!

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