Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is the Nobel Committee about to revoke Obama's Nobel Prize?

Considering he had done nothing at all to deserve it, and since being elected has promoted a war in Libya, they certainly should demand it back.

But they won't because they are worthless liberal azz kissers, who want to suck up to celebrity politicians.  Yes, they are that juvenile, just like they were in high school.  to them, Obama is the football quarterback, and they are the nerdy losers who would do anything to attract the notice of their hero. Alfred Nobel would be dismayed and ashamed by the craven shallowness of the committee that awards the prize he started.

                                                            The super hero himself


  1. Since the nobel committee was dumb enough to give it to him in the first place, I doubt they would be smart enough to take it away. I lost all respect for the organization and the award.

  2. I hear that. Even my liberal friends were mystified when Zero got the Nobel, and he has treated the idea behind it with complete contempt since. They get the respect (none) that they deserve.
